When it comes to landscaping ideas for the driveway, many homeowners assume that the driveway is purely a functional part of the home-to let people in and out. They therefore design it purely from this angle. This is hardly the case.

The driveway is the first impression one gets of the home setting the tone for what lies beyond. Whether you have a long winding driveway or a short straight driveway, a well-designed driveway enhances curb appeal while neatly meshing in with the overall landscape plan. Read on to see how you can turn this often neglected area into a stunning feature of your property-and an inviting gateway into your home.

Why is driveway landscaping important?

  • A properly done driveway serves functional purposes. Laid properly, your driveway should draw water away from the house onto the drainages outside. Besides good lighting ensures curb appeal while promoting safety at night. Driveway edging also prevents soil from spilling onto the driveway.
  • Like a blank page, your driveway gives you space to express yourself. You get to express your personal style through the choice of materials, landscape design style and creativity.
  • When you incorporate eco-friendly landscaping ideas such use of indigenous plants or permeable pavers, you reduce water run-off and promote local wildlife.
  • A well landscaped driveway, lined with trees and shrubs provides shade to the surface which can reduce heat related damage. Proper curbing will also limit tree damage by serving as a barrier to tree roots encroachment.

What are the landscaping ideas for a driveway?

Trends and fashion are things that come and go. However some trends are as a result of research and improvement in technology. In recent times, the trend is to use sustainable landscape practices. Sustainability refers to both durability of the installation and how the project impacts the environment.

How do you achieve sustainability?

  • Use indigenous plants
  • Use locally available materials for hardscaping
  • Don’t just focus on aesthetics, blend it with functionality.

Driveway design

Once you identify where your driveway should be, the next question is what shall be the design? Will it be straight or curved? In some cases you may not have much of a choice. Curved driveways look particularly good to the eye. Curves create room for discovery as the bends hide the entire run from being galloped in one view. However, some properties may lend themselves only to a straight line design. For small gardens, curves tend to eat up more space, necessitating a straight driveway.


Standard driveways for the home driveway usually measure 3meters (6feet) wide but there is nothing to prevent you from having an expanded driveway if vehicle traffic is huge and vehicles may have to pass beside each other.

Parking and turn around

One important consideration in landscaping ideas design is to have parking and turn around space.  This means that where parking terminates, there should be ample space for parking and turning back on the way out. Naturally the parking will open up to a larger open space. Parking size and floor material will be determined by the number of   household vehicles or whether you host a lot.

Landscaping ideas: Choosing materials for driveway landscaping

A variety of materials abound. However choose a material that besides being affordable also;

-Matches or rhymes with other materials in the home

-Is low maintenance

-Is also environmental friendly.

What are the options for driveway materials?

  • Pavers
  • Asphalt
  • Gravel
  • Concrete
  • Permeable options
  • Greening your driveway

A driveway without greenery often looks awkward. Plants add character to a driveway. For instance, palms add a tropical feel to a driveway in addition to elegance.

Here are the several ways of greening your driveway;

Driveway borders

One landscaping idea for your driveways is to have borders.  Borders are simply large plantings running the breadth of the driveway. You can achieve this through;

  1. Use hedges, ornamental plants like shrubs or grasses. In some instances, space allowing  you can  have lawns meander  in between  the ornamental  plants along  the driveway. One simply gets glimpses of the lawn as they drive along.
  2. Use trees . Trees add dimension to a driveway. They will besides shading the driveway also create a canopy that enhances the serene atmosphere to grace the entrance. In using trees at the driveway select those whose roots will not be disruptive to paving. The bonus with trees is the blooms that will garland your driveway like jacaranda are wont to do when in season.

iii. Edge with plantings

You can opt to use easy care groundcovers or perennials and shrubs. Although the driveway may seem bear with small plants, apply seasonal color  and foliage texture  to make it more dramatic.

  • Hardscaping  your driveway : This is how to enhance your driveway

A driveway alone is not enough.  Your driveway must accommodate vehicles and people and be made useable at all times.  This is how to enhance your driveway.

i. Lighting

A very important consideration. Install solar lights to illuminate the driveway  at night.  Lights  also guide and offer safety in addition to creating ambiance.

ii. Walkway and path

Besides vehicles, make your driveway useable on foot.  Incorporate pedestrian pathways alongside the driveway. You can also link the main walkway in the garden to the driveway so that you don’t have to go to the parking so as to join the driveway.

iii. Use retaining walls or raised beds

Another useful landscaping idea you can apply to your driveway is the concept of elevated sides.  These could be retaining walls or raised beds. A ground that slopes towards or away from the driveway creates an opportunity to install retaining walls. Similarly raised beds also create interest in the garden and will also stand out as decorative features on their own.

  • Use eco-friendly and sustainable practices
  1. Permeable pavers

In recent times use of permeable pavers has become more pronounced as a landscaping idea due to its environmental benefits. Permeable pavers improve drainage and reduce water run-off. Controlled runoff minimizes the chances of flooding. You will hardly see water pooling on driveway or walkway surfaces.

Because water percolates into the ground, permeable pavers are suitable as they help to recharge the aquifers as the water does not run off. This also reduces strain on storm water drainages as less volumes of water are received.

ii. Rain water gardens

You can design a rain water garden to make use of storm water that drains from the driveway. This way, you will be killing two birds with one stone. You only need to select plants that will absorb water so that the place does not become a swamp.

iii. Grow native plants

Go native. Use indigenous plants that are easy maintenance . Indigenous plants also use less water. In addition, local flora will attract fauna like bees, butterflies and other pollinators.


Whatever landscaping ideas you have for your driveway, always ensure that you marry aesthetics and functionality. The design stage of your driveway gives you room to personalize your driveway through plantings, material and shape. Long after the dust of driveway installation has died down, the lasting impact of the driveway will affect your living experience, the value of the property and even the neighborhood.

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