Spinach, the evergreen leafy vegetable that is a staple in kitchens worldwide, is re known for its versatility and nutritional benefits.  Unbeknown to many, even old hands in gardening, spinach comes in several types, each with its own unique flavor, texture and culinary uses. From the common savoy to the lesser known Typee, we offer insight into their different characteristics and how they are used. Prepare to elevate your culinary experience with the delightful types of spinach we list here, some of which you may never have  heard of.

Types of spinach

Spinach are divided into 3 broad categories based on the texture of the leaves; smooth,  crinkly(savoy) or semi-savoy.

Smooth  leaf spinach

      Commonly referred to as smooth, this type of spinach is characterized by smooth flat leaves  that are easy to clean as the leaves have no wrinkles. The varieties  are used mostly for  baby spinach or processed  foods like canned or frozen spinach.

      I . Varieties of smooth spinach

      i . Red carnival

        Red carnival is characterized by red stems, red veins and smooth leaves  which can add visual interest to dishes. Fast growing  with a mild flavor. Use it  as a dish garnish,  fresh salads given its tender leaves  or as  baby spinach.

        ii . Space

        It is a very good spinach  due it its fast maturing habit and is prone to  premature flowering(bolting). The oval shaped leaves are smooth and uniform.

        Iii. Gazelle

        Another smooth variety with  high resistance to  bolting. The leaves are dark green, thick and elongated. Use it for  cooking processing  and salads.

        Iv . Corvair

         Corvair is resistant to downy mildew. Harvest is bountiful compared to other varieties. It is good for freezing, cooking and eating as salads.

        Vi. Viroflay

        A rare one this one. It has large broad leaves, huge in size and tender. It grows quickly.use as fresh cooking and salad and for baby spinach.


        A smooth  spinach  that has dark green leaves and is fast growing. It is also resistant to  downy mildew. Early maturing and suitable  for salads and fresh cooking.

        Crinkly(savoy) spinach

        Savoy have wrinkled leaves  that give off a rugged appearance. They are  difficult to clean given thir crinkly nature. Here the the types of spinach under savoy category.


        i . Blooms dale Long spinach

        An older spinach variety  with crinkled, dark green leaves . While not resistant to downy mildew, it does resist bolting. Its flavor is pronounced. Plant in early summer  and during winter mulch the crop. Blooms dale is idea for sautes and soups.

        ii . Melody

          A savoy spinach that has dark green crinkly leaves. Besides its excellent taste, melody is also resistant to downy mildew and cucumber mosaic . It also has a long harvesting season. Takes 42 days from sowing to plate.

          Use melody when fresh  as a salad , for cooking or freezing. Due to its nice texture and tasty flavor, melody  lends itself to a wide selection of dishes  be they salads or soups.

          iii . Regiment

            One of the faster growing spinach variety with high yeild. It matures in 30 days . its dark  crinkly leaves are large ,and has good renaissance to downy mildew.

            Regiment is ideal for steaming, boiling and adding to stews and casseroles.

            iv .  Savoy supreme

              It has very deeply crinkled dark green leaves which makes it hard to clean. It is however flavorful and tender. Add onto this the resistance to downy mildew  and bolting and you have a spinach variety  that can be applied in a wide range of uses; as  a salad, addition to stir fries and baked dishes as well as for cooking and freezing.

              v. American spinach .

                 One of the earlier spinach varieties  characterized by crinkly, thick, dark green leaves. Its key advantage is its  adaptation to cold  and resistance to bolting. Use it for cooked dishes, creamed  spinach, freezing and quiches.

                vi .  Verdil.

                The leaves have a medium to large crinkled  dark green leaves . It grows exponentially  yielding lots of greens  and has high resistance to common spinach diseases. Use it for salads and for adding flavor to soups and sautés. Verdil is also   good for cooking and freezing.

                Semi-savoy  spinach types

                These are spinach types that  lie between  crinkly leaves of the savoy and the smooth  flat leafed spinach.

                i . Tyee

                Tyee is most cherished characteristic is its ability to  resist  downy mildew  and premature flowering. It thrives even during winter given its tolerance of cold temperatures. It is a smooth  leaf variety  with thick, dark green  slightly oval leaves  that are erect and  tender. Idea for  soups, salads and sautes.

                ii . Catalina

                It has dark green leaves ,with less pronounced  leaf curls. It has high yields  and resists bolting.

                Iii . Teton

                 Teton is popular for home gardens and market gardeners due its tenderness and disease resistance.

                Iv. Indian summer

                Preferred to to its heat tolerance  which makes it ideal for warm regions.

                v . Emu

                The semu variety has semi smooth leaves and high productivity. The leaves are medium sized.

                Vii .Toscane

                Offers a mild flavor with semi-crinkled leaves. Popular for salads and  cooking.

                • Other spinach varieties

                 New Zealand spinach

                Although generally referred to as a spinach the New Zealand spinach is not a true spinach in the real sense of the word. However it is tastes like spinach and is often used as a substitute in warmer regions.

                Malabar spinach

                Also an alternative to the real spinach. It has thick fleshy leaves and does well in hot weather.

                Whatever type of spinach you grow, you can certainly be assured of tasty salads, vegetables soups or sautes in your kitchen.

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