Types of lawnmowers

If you wish to keep your lawn well-tended, having the right type of lawnmower can make all the difference.  For many homeowners, the lawn is an point of pride. But having a lawn and buying the right mower, are two different things.

Mowing a lawn

What is a Lawnmower?

A lawn mower is a machine used to cut, mow or trim grass.

Before the lawnmower’s invention, grass was cut manually using scythes. In that era, lawns were a preserve of the nobles; a status symbol no one could fake. Lawns demanded tens of workers, too much of the precious land, yet did not yield anything valuable. To have a lawn was to be a man of means.

Then in 1830  Edwin Budding, inspired by a machine used to trim fabric in textile mills, invented the lawnmower, and the industrial revolution threw forth a sizeable middle class.  Suddenly, millions of families could now afford lawns. In a twinkle, lawns switched from  being a rich persons’ luxury to a middle class necessity.

Grass is the most widespread crop in the USA after maize and wheat. The lawn industry (plants, flowers, manure, mowers, and sprinklers) accounts for billions of dollars annually. As you aspire to grow your lawn-and determine what types of lawn mower to go for, it is worth remembering that lawns are still yet associated with prestige, money and power. There is no surer sign that something is wrong at the neighbor’s than a neglected front yard lawn.

Types of lawnmowers

The right type of lawn mower will make keeping your lawn an easier task. Here is a list of lawn mowers you can find on the market.

  1. Push mowers

i. Manual push mowers

These are two-wheeled mowers that have no engine.  When you push forward, the blades turn and cut. Ideal if you have a small lawn.

Push mower.

ii. Petrol-powered push mowers

With petrol-powered lawnmowers, you ignite the engine which only moves or rotates the blades. To move forward, you physically push the lawnmower. Petrol-powered lawnmowers are more powerful than manual push powers. Go for it if you small and mid-sized lawns.

2. Self-propelled mowers

It uses engine power to drive the mower forward. You hold  onto  the handles and direct the mower where it goes. use it for small or medium sized lawns.

3. Roller-attached mowers

These are lawnmowers with two wheels at the front and a roller at the rear. The work of the roller is to flatten the grass as you cut. This changes the way the light reflects off the blade of the grass to cause the striping effect. The other advantage of roller-attached mowers is that the roller provides support to the mower across the width. You can experience the beauty with the roller when you cut edges or borders. The mower doesn’t tip over neither will it scalp the ground.

Roller-attached  lawnmower

4. Electric or battery-powered lawnmowers

These lawnmowers use electricity or rechargeable batteries to drive the engine.  They are ideal for small and medium yards with adjacent power sources. The key disadvantage of these type of mowers is that electric powered mowers have to be  have to be close to a power source while  the battery powered ones  have limited run-time on battery.

However their key selling point is that they are environmental friendly, quiet and low-maintenance.

These mowers are good

5. Ride on Mowers

Ride-on garden tractors were a later invention designed to cut huge fields. They can be manual or automatic. These tractors have cutter decks between the wheels. Some modes in this category can collect, discharge or even mulch grass clippings.

Ride on mower. The  blade is under the deck

6. Out front mowers

Tractor lawn mowers that have their cutting deck in front rather than under the wheels like the ride on tractor. The advantage with this is that as the rider is able to see and be able to control cutting around edges and borders due to the rear wheel steering that ensures greater maneuverability.

Out front lawnmower tractor

7. Robotic lawnmowers

Technology and artificial intelligence has now spawned a new gadget in the lawn industry; robot lawnmowers. From the comfort of your window you can actually mow your lawn by deploying a robot and directing it as needed.

Robot mower

8. Zero turn lawnmowers

As the name suggests, this is a type of mower capable of pivoting at 360 degrees. Unlike other mowers where you have to make a turn and go back, this mower can maneuver in tight spaces by simply turning on the very spot . It is ideal for large areas and intricate lawn layouts.

9. Cylinder-cut lawnmowers

If you visit the a golf course where they live for the finest turf, you will experience the cutting done y cylinder cut mower. During the cutting, the grass is trapped between the two blades and cleanly cut.

10. Rotary-cut lawnmowers

Most mowers are rotary. It has a rotary blade contained within a cutter deck. Lawnmower rotary blades are no different from helicopter rotary blades, just smaller.

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