how to find a good plumber

We all have experienced that irritating trickle of water  that you cant block from your ears. Sometimes you will put a rag or a container under the  leaking tap to  collect the water but no matter what the echoes of trickling water cant be ignored. It only gets louder. Then it is time to call the plumber and  fix the problem

Finding a good plumber  often feels like taking a gamble. Is the fellow standing in your doorway the right man for the job or will they leave a bigger mess than they found?

 If you are on the prowl for a good plumber, here steps to take to land yourself a credible plumber.

Ask for recommendations

A good plumber is one whose work has been tried  and tested.  The people in your circle; friends, family, workmates and neighbors  are best placed to recommend a plumber they use to you. One thing with homeowners is that once they find a good tradesman be it a plumber, electrician or carpenter, they never let them go. They will always use him again and again. Therefore a recommendation coming from a home owner you are friends with is a solid nudge that the plumber is re known for good work.

A plumber fixing a water pump

Look for Experience

There are plumbers and then there are experienced plumbers. The plumber who can fix a leaking faucet may not necessarily be experienced in installing water heaters. For us , until we have witnessed your work at site, preferably a construction site, we will be hesitant to vouch for your experience. This is because  construction sites present  complex plumbing challenges  and only veterans in  the trade thrive here. As such all our plumbers and craftsmen are people we recruited while working on construction sites.

Get references from previous clients

Ask a potential plumber to link you to previous clients so that that you can get references. A call or email to a previous client  will be enough to know whether their experience with the plumber was satisfactory

Do they have an online presence and what are the reviews like?

Is the plumber online through a social media page or website? What do people say about their services and professionalism? Customer testimonials can be a good indicator of the service  you can expect . Good plumber care a lot about their online reputation  and this is reflected in their online pages. Again in the age of information technology, a plumber who does  not make use of these tools may be a bit tough dealing with.

How a service provider presents themselves can help you determine their professionalism.  Tradesmen are known to be “disorganization. If they are not reporting late for a scheduled meeting, they fail to notify of inability to come over  or even confuse the time and date of the meeting. Obviously this is a rag flag of a person who has more work than they can handle or they are downright inefficient in time management.  Check how they communicate with you. Is it a sustained communication or you have to do the following up and calling? These are red flags because if they are not enthusiastic before they get the work, they will be even less enthusiastic to talk to you when you do follow ups after the work .

A plumber setting up an irrigation system for the home

Are they giving you any guarantees or warranties?

Here is where the rubber meets the road. For us, we always assure clients that if that leakage occurs in under 3 or 6 months, call us and we will fix it t for free. A good workman should be sure of the quality of their work and offer specific guarantees that ensures you are insulated from poor quality work.

Ask for several quotes

If you are new to hiring a plumber,  ask for  quotes from several plumbers. Multiple quotes help you gauge the price range of the service. People have a tendency to fleece the novice because of their perceived ignorance. While the lowest price or highest  may not be the best, they  nevertheless set the benchmarks for pricing.

Insurance and liabilities

Any plumber coming to your home or site without workmen compensation can be a tricky engagement.  You are hiring his services and not taking on his health expenses. So a good plumber should have insurance that shields you from any liabilities resulting from damages or injuries occurring while on your property.


While he above steps ate  not exhaustive, they give a good guide on how to sieve out professional plumbers from wanna be plumbers. They guidelines  shield you from the common mistake  many home owner make;  assuming  that a workman appearing on your driveway with a cache of tools is fit for the job.

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